* At the (aft) lower diagonal schroud,
 set the positioning hitch to center your
 halyard (without flag) between the
 mast and the cap shroud (see picture).
 This way you prevent the flag from hitting
 the shroud or mast and wearing it out,
 plus making an annoying sound
 when you are below.

* Set the Button cleat not less than
20 cm. below the hitch.

* Finally adjust your halyard length to
 make it fit around the Button Shroud Cleat
as shown on the picture below.

Securing and tightening
the flag halyard

Taquet de hauban
  1 Croiser la boucle de drisse derrière le hauban.
2 Tirez-le à nouveau vers l'avant et verrouillez-le dans la rainure du bouton.
3 Dévisser (1/4 de tour) le bouton
4 Faites-le glisser vers le bas pour serrer la drisse et revissez le bouton.
  1 Kreuzen Sie die Fallschlaufe hinter der Want.
2 Ziehen Sie ihn wieder nach vorne und verriegeln Sie ihn in der Knopfnut.
3 Schrauben Sie den Knopf ab (1/4 Umdrehung).
4 Schieben Sie es nach unten, um das Fall zu spannen, und ziehen Sie den Knopf wieder fest.
Bitta da sartia
  1 Attraversare l'anello della drizza dietro la sartia
2 Tirarlo di nuovo in avanti e bloccarlo nella scanalatura del pulsante
3 Svitare (1/4 di giro) il bottone.
4 Farlo scorrere verso il basso per stringere la drizza e riagganciare il bottone.
Cornamusa obenque
  1 Cruce el lazo de driza detrás del obenque.
2 Tire hacia adelante de nuevo y bloquéelo en la ranura del botón.
3 Desenrosque (1/4 de vuelta) el botón.
4 Deslícelo hacia abajo para tensar la driza y vuelva a apretar el botón.
  1 Kruis de vallus achter de stag langs.
2 Trek de gekruiste lus weer naar
voren en vergrendel hem in de knop-kikker groef.

3 Draai de knop-kikker (1/4 slag) los.
4 Schuif deze naar beneden om de val te spannen en zet de knop weer vast.
No matter how many flags you fly, the adjustable
button shroud cleat adapts easily
to the varying length of your halyard.

* Tips:
Practice assembling of the button cleat at a table.
Place a towel on deck while mounting it to the shroud.
This way you reduce the risk that if something
accidentally falls, it will bounce on deck
and fall overboard.
Take your time, you only have to do it once.

Use braided polyester halyard rope.

Preferably 3 mm (1/8”) .

Maintenance: Rinse with fresh water.

Button shroud cleat backstay arrangement.
Attaching  burgee or
ther spreader flags
Attaching spreader flag, burgee or pennant.  
Options for FLAGS
with grommets.
Attaching options for burgees with grommets
Button shroud cleat for spreader flag halyards. (
The next generation shroud cleat.

Small and Sleek
 compared to
conventional shroud cleats.
Small and Sleek compared to conventional shroud cleats.

 * No more messy fluttering spreader flag halyards.

No chafing damage to sails.

* Amazingly simple.

The neat spreader flag halyard fastening.
    Four versions:

  for 10 mm. shrouds  
  for 8 mm. (5/16") shrouds
  for 7 mm. shrouds
  for 6 mm. (1/4") shrouds
For more shroud diameters, please contact.

International patents pending

Rally & Regatta  EU division
The Netherlands
(Rally & Regatta is an Actum company franchised by Kats & Kats)